In 2019, the University of Cincinnati identified 4,209 youth in Ohio at risk as victims of domestic minor sex trafficking. This staggering number affects every area of the state – and they are admittedly conservative. In their conclusion, they underscore the absolute importance of agencies improving in their ability to identify and respond to victims so we can maximize their response.
The NO CHILD FOR SALE WEBINAR SERIES by Gracehaven is meant to educate on a variety of topics relative to Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. From identification to prevention tactics to the cost of being trafficked, this series looks at hard topics with a number of expert panelists from across the state.
To watch our webisodes, click below:
ON-DEMAND: Webinar 1
Stopping Online Predators – Youth Sex Trafficking, Social Media, and a COVID-19 World
ON-DEMAND: Webinar 2
The Cost of Being a Sex-Trafficked Child
ON-DEMAND: Webinar 3
Reducing Recidivism & Empowering Successful Journeys of Change
ON-DEMAND: Webinar 4
Going Beyond the Facade: Identifying Victims of DMST
ON-DEMAND: Webinar 5
A Population at Risk – Understanding the Relationships between DMST and Foster Care
Partners and Presenters Include:
Collaborative to End Human Trafficking
Emancipation Nation Network
Lucas County Human Trafficking Coalition
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Ohio ICAC Task Force
Rahab Ministries
St. Wall Street
She Has A Name
University of Toledo