“Sometimes God Even Uses Email”

December 5, 2024


Gracehaven volunteer Janelle McGrath started as a house mom at our residential campus in January 2020 after first hearing about child-sex trafficking in Ohio.

“When I first learned more about this issue, I prayed about where to get involved and then I got an email about Gracehaven needing volunteers,” explained Janelle. “Sometimes God even uses email and texts to get our attention!”

After joining a prayer walk at the residential campus, she said she felt called and led to serve on site … enduring through the pandemic and the changes Covid brought to campus. “I can’t believe I’m going on five years here. I just love it!”

Janelle especially enjoys connecting over campfires with the youth, bringing them cookies or baking with them in the kitchen. She also likes to join them on their staff-supervised outings to local parks and recreation centers.

“I get to be the cool aunt and do fun things with the girls. I help where needed and if the girls want to open up and talk with me, I’m here for that, too.”

Janelle even finds ways to fold her volunteer work into her fellowship outside Gracehaven, organizing friends to donate supplies and holiday baskets and bringing Gracehaven educators to her women’s retreat at church to present about trafficking.

There are so many ways to get yourself and your friends, church, business, school or organization involved with us … and taking on a regular shift as a house mom is one real need we have at this time as Gracehaven grows!

If you’d like to learn more about being a house mom (aka “cool aunt”) like Janelle at Gracehaven, please reach out to us today at info@gracehaven.me.