For the Entire Family

Comprehensive Case Management

What Does Case Management Involve?

Gracehaven Comprehensive Case Management is a community-based service that provides skill-building for clients and links families to community resources. A case manager helps youth and young adults practice skills they learn in a real-life setting. At different stages a case manager may do any of the following: assessment; planning; referral/linking; advocacy; monitoring and evaluation; transition.

Typically, the case manager works with the youth as well as their caregiver/family system and other professionals on their team. The intent is to develop as many natural supports as possible to help the client be successful in the community. Our model is highly relational. Depending on the client's needs, case managers may work in tandem with a clinician.

Gracehaven provides comprehensive case management services throughout Ohio, and has offices in Columbus and Northern Ohio.

Have a Referral?

Contact Us

Do you have someone who could benefit from Community Case Management? Contact us at and we'll send you a Referral Form. Or you can download the form and send it back to us.

Columbus Office:

ADDRESS: 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd., Columbus, OH 43220

PHONE: 614-665-0665 | EMAIL:


Northern Ohio Office:

ADDRESS: 5658 Main Street, Suite 109, Sylvania, Ohio 43560

PHONE: 216-446-0506 | EMAIL:


Western Ohio:

ADDRESS: 7077 Corporate Way, Centerville, OH 45459

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