“I Want to Become Adoptable”

June 8, 2023


That was “Rosy’s” goal when she began meeting with her Gracehaven case manager. Though in her early teens, she’d been exploited as a young girl, and was at high risk to be trafficked. With a mother who didn’t believe that she was ever abused, Rosy sought attention from men.

Rosy worked on being open and honest with her case manager, and especially wanted to improve her coping skills. They talked about making good decisions and recognizing safe adults – which was a new concept to her. In fact, learning to make safe decisions helped her become more secure in herself.

After six months of working together, Rosy had made significant progress – and was ready to be placed with a family who wanted to adopt her. She was so excited to be part of a family and ride her bike around the neighborhood.

She told the other girls in her group home, “If you are thinking about being part of Gracehaven, do it! The staff is so nice. They teach you so much about trafficking.”

Her case manager faithfully spent hours with her every week – and the focused, consistent time with a safe, encouraging adult made all the difference.

Gracehaven Comprehensive Case Managers diligently work with every young exploited teen in our care to help them learn to thrive with confidence in their lives. To learn more, go to our Case Management page here.